Diner - Restaurant
Open 7 days a week

The Plaza Diner in the Tops New Paltz Plaza is your stop for fresh delicious food open 7 days a week!
The diner has been located in the Tops New Paltz Plaza since 1969. The foundation was built here, and the diner was moved from New Jersey in pieces, and placed over the foundation. The dining room was added in 1985.
Your proprietors at the Plaza Diner are Harris and Lorranie Dariotis. All of the staff at the diner is like an extended family to Harris and Lorraine. Most of the staff have been here for a very long time. We are grateful to have such a great staff, and to have a close relationship with each employee.
Contact Us
Contact Us
Hours of Operation
Mon-Sun 6 a.m. - 10 p.m.
271 Main Street
in the Tops New Paltz Plaza
New Paltz NY 12561